The Galilee Academy Team Leaders,
Nir Nitzan and Ronny Simon

Nir and Ronny are Israeli historians and tour guides living and working in Israel.
In their more than thirty years of contact and engagement with the Christian Evangelical world, Nir and Ronny have been delighted to discover that Evangelical Christians have a deep desire to know more about the Land of Israel and its Biblical history, as well as about the Jewish world and the Jewish people.
Over the years, both have traveled to the United States to lecture in churches, universities and at other venues where they shared their passion for the Land.
It was a dream of a lifetime for both of them to create a platform of knowledge to bring the Bible, Israel and the Jewish people to the Christian world in general and more specifically to the Christian Evangelical world.
Both of them believe that their slogan for the Academy "Knowing more, getting closer" is the way to accomplish their goal.